Over the past month quite a few customers have asked me to explain some of the computer terms and acronyms that I have been using so I decided to include a piece in the newsletter about it.

  • CPU - Central Processing Unit. This is the brain of your computer or smart phone that is responsible for executing commands.
  • PC - Personal Computer. This is an easy one that I am sure everyone knows and spends many hours on per day ;)
  • MFP - Multi Function Printer. This is a Printer, Fax, Copier and Scanner all rolled up into one unit.
  • HTTP  - Hypertext Transfer Protocol  is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
  • IT - Information Technology. This is a generic term that is used for all things computer and can mean many things to many people.
  • PSU - Power Supply Unit. This is the part of your computer or server that takes power from the ESB and powers your computer.
  • IP - Internet Protocol. Usually followed by address. The IP address is used for your computer to communicate on the Internet.
  • PABX - Public Access Branch Exchange. This is the industry term for a phone system.
  • POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service. This is the phone lines that you more than likley have connected in your home.
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol. This is a protocol that is used to transfer files across the Internet.
  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator. This is used to identify different websites and resources on the Internet.
  • RDP -  Remote Desktop Protocol. This is a protocol that lets you remotly connect to and use a computer / server.
  • W2K8 - Windows 2008 Server. This is Microsoft's most current server operating system.
  • RPC - Remote Procedure Call. This allows a computer program to execute a command on another computer.
  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization. This is a process of improving your chance of your website being found by Google and other web search engines.  Google Guide to SEO
  • AFK - Away From Keyboard. If someone from iPing is supporting you and we are AFK it will not be more than 5 Mins ;)

Just for good measure here are some  e-mail acronyms:

  • AFAIAC = As far as I am concerned
  • AFAIK = As far as I know
  • ATM = At the moment
  • BR = Best regards
  • BRB = Be right back
  • BTW = By the way
  • EOM = End of month
  • EOP = End of play
  • ETA = Estimated time of arrival
  • IMO = In my opinion
  • LOL = Laughing out loud
  • TMI = Too much information
  • TTYL = Talk to you later

I would really love to hear some of your favourite Computer & IT Acronyms.