When you save files to your hard disk, they are broken into small manageable blocks and then saved on to the hard disk. When there is enough space on your hard disk to save all of the blocks together on your computer, your computer will do this. Having all the blocks of a file continuously saved together on the hard disk really improves the performance of your computer.

Through general use of a computer you save, delete and create files, these can be Microsoft office files, music files or even big video files. You also install & uninstall programs from time to time on your computer. By doing this over a period of time, you use space on your computer’s hard disk and it starts to become fragmented i.e. small spaces on your hard disk start to appear that are too small to hold a single file.

When your computers hard disk is fragmented, your operating system saves files in different parts of the disk, as a result your computer will run slower when you are working on this file at a later stage.

Once a month you need to defrag your computer, so as to bring all the file blocks together on your hard disk for similar files. When you do this you will be able to access your files quicker and your computer will run better.

Recently I have been using Defraggler www.piriform.com/defraggler to defrag my computer and I suggest that you should use it once a month to help tune your computer.

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